Final report of the 1997/8 FPC

MEMO TO: Ann Tedards (President 1997/8 University Senate)
MEMO FROM: Peter B Gilkey Chair of the 1997/8 FPC Email:
MEMO RE: Final Report
DATE: May 30 1998

Dear Ann: This is persuant to your memo of 27 April 1998 requesting a final report on the activities of the FPC for 1997/8. You requested:

  • The Committee members for 1997/8 were D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, T. Kealy (student participant), J. Stockard, D. Trombley, and J. Weiss. The returning committee members will be D. Blandy, L. Harris (vice chair), J. Stockard (chair), D. Trombley. The chair would like to take this opportunity to express the chair's real gratitude to all the commmittee members for their devotion to duty, and the real wisdom they brought to the consideration of the many cases we dealt with. The University of Oregon has a long tradition of shared governance and the participation of faculty and students on such committees is an important part of University life.
  • The FPC made 3 specific recommendations which are provided in this report:

    Respectfully submitted Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A.; Phone 1-541-346-4717 Email:

    departmental statements of criteria for promotion and tenure

    The following document was sent to the Provost: During the deliberations on several cases in the 1996-97 academic year, the Faculty Personnel Committee was obliged to request, from various departments, further information and clarification of departmental criteria for promotion and/or tenure, and statements of the degree to which the candidate had met those criteria. Different fields have different accepted venues for the dissemination of research. In fact, the very nature of what constitutes research varies significantl y across the university. Expectations of teaching also vary within the university. This makes evaluation by a committee with university-wide representation difficult. FPC procedure requires that any FPC members from the candidates department excuse themselves from deliberations about that candidate. Without someone from the candidate's field to explain accepted norms, the remaining FPC members can not be expected to figure out what does or does not meet the criteria. It is therefore essential that each department's criteria be stated clearly and in detail, and that the departmental evaluation of the candidate's performance in view of those criteria be discussed clearly and specifically. We wish to be very clear about this. The FPC is not accusing departments of neglect. In virtually every case a statement of departmental criteria was included in the file. The problem is that though those statements of criteria may be perfectly clear to people within a given field, they often are not clear to those outside the field, as FPC members must be. To give but one example: in some fields publications of a paper delivered at a conference in the conference proceedings is one of the main ways of disseminating research results and is thus a respected accomplishment; whereas in other fields such a publication is not accorded the same high value. This is the kind of fine point that the FPC needs to understand to reach a conclusion in its evaluations. Explicit and detailed discussion of these issues resulting in a clearly articulated document at the departmental level would not only facilitate and expedite the FPC's deliberations, but it would also be in the best interests of the candidate, the department, and the university. The FPC therefore asks the Provost to communicate the FPC's concerns and make this request to the Deans, Department Heads and departmental tenure committees.

    regarding the title of thesis and name of thesis advisor

    The following motion was sent to the Provost: The FPC respectfully requests that in future years for cases which involve the granting of tenure at the rank of Associate Professor that all files shall contain, if applicable, both the title of the thesis and the name of the thesis advisor if the candidate has been awarded a doctoral degree. Furthermore, the file should contain a discussion, if appropriate, of the extent, if at all, to which articles and/or books on the same topic as that of the disssertation represent new scholarship. The FPC notes that in certain areas it is entirely appropriate to include material from the thesis in later articles and/or books. But it is useful to know the extent, if at all, to which this material has been reworked, revised, and extended from the material originally present in the thesis.

    Revised Charge to the Faculty Personnel Committee

  • 1) Charge: The purpose of the FPC is to advise the Provost on all tenure and promotion cases.
  • 2) Membership: The FPC shall consist of ten (10) members who are elected to staggered two-year terms. No person may serve two consecutive terms. Five (5) of the members shall hold appointments in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). Five of the members shall hold appointments in the Professional Schools and Colleges. Only regular tenured Officers of Instruction with academic departmental, school, or college appointments of .5 FTE or greater are eligible to serve on the FPC. The word `regular' excludes adjunct, visiting, and courtesy appointments. The President, Vice-Presidents, Provost, Vice-Provost, Associate or Assistant Provosts, Dean or Associate Deans are ineligible to serve on the FPC. Department heads in the CAS are ineligible to serve on the FPC. No individual may serve on the FPC during a year when his or her promotion case will come before the FPC and must resign from the FPC if this happens. No more than one person from the same department in any School or College with departments shall serve at the same time on the FPC; no more than one person from any School or College without Departments may serve at the same time on the FPC.
  • 3) Election of members of the FPC: Only members of the voting faculty who are Officers of Instruction with tenure or in tenure track positions shall be eligible to vote for elections to the FPC. The Secretary of the Faculty, with the help of the University Senate, shall ensure that the number of candidates nominated shall be be at least one more than the number of open positions in both the College of Arts and Sciences and in the Professional Schools and Colleges. Candidates for the FPC may be nominated by any person who is eligible to vote in the election for that position. Except in instances of self-nomination, the nomination must be accompanied by evidence that the person nominated is willing to serve in the position. Separate ballots shall be prepared for the candidates from CAS and the Professional Schools and Colleges. Both ballots shall be circulated to all eligible voting Officers of Instruction. All members shall be elected for two-year terms, except for those filling vacancies in unexpired terms. Elections for the FPC shall be held in the spring quarter.
  • 4) Student participation: Two University students, nominated by the appropriate procedures within the ASUO and appointed by the President, shall serve as non-voting participants in the deliberations of the committee. The student participants are to abide by the usual regulations adopted by the committee for its members.
  • 5) Selection of the Chair: The FPC shall meet in the spring quarter subsequent to the election of the new members. The continuing members and the new members shall elect a chair for the following year.
  • 6) Resignations: A member of the FPC who does not serve out his or her full term will be replaced by the normal election process if possible, and if not, the person who received the next highest vote in most recent election for the position will be appointed to serve out that term.
  • 7) This supercedes previous legislation regarding the FPC and takes effect June 1 1998.

    Minutes of the meetings

    Minutes of the FPC meeting #1 17 October 1997 meeting

  • Committee members present: V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, P. Gilkey, D. Blandy, J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss.
  • Committee members absent: B. Branchaud, H. Gernon, L.Harris. \subhead
  • Other persons present: J. Rice, C. White
  • The meeting was called to order at 0730. C. White distributed the following documents:
  • Ms. White discussed with the FPC various technical aspects concerning the location of P/T files etc. Jack Rice was introduced and discussed the functioning of the process in broad view. The chair and Jack Rice again stressed the need for absolute confidentiality in all discussions.
  • The FPC decided that it would not consider any cases which were released to the FPC later than Wednesday 15 April 1998. The FPC instructed Jack Rice to communicate this decision to the vice Provost and to the Provost and to ask them to communicate it as appropriate to Deans, Department Heads and other relevant persons.
  • The FPC decided that all requests by the FPC for substantive information concerning a case would be made in writing to Jack Rice and signed by the person requesting the information; this would either be the chair of the FPC or the member of the FPC assigned to the case. Jack Rice was requested to communicate this decision to the vice Provost and to the Provost. The FPC noted that material in personnel cases needed to be signed and that it was important to have a paper trail in the file to explain additional information added to the file. The FPC also noted that requests in writing might minimize potential communication difficulties.
  • The legislation creating the FPC of May 1972 refers to the FPC making ``recommendations to the President.'' In fact, the FPC makes recommendions to the Provost. The FPC directed the chair to consult with Jack Rice and to draw up revised legislation. The chair is to consult with the FPC when the legislation is drafted and subsequently to present it to the University Senate for a vote.
  • The FPC discussed the voting categories it would use.
  • The FPC desired to have a clear statement, in so far as possible, of the guidelines regarding promotion and tenure which are applied in each individual case present in the file, and a discussion of the extent to which the candidate has met or failed to meet these standards. It is essential that this be written in terms which can be understood by the members of the committee who will not, of course, be experts in the particular field involved. The FPC asked V. Cartwright and J. Fracchia to draft a document concerning this and to circulate the document electronically to the FPC in advance of the next metting 24 October 1997. This document will then be communicated to Jack Rice who will be asked in turn to communicate it to the Deans, Department Heads, etc.
  • The FPC adjourned at 0858.

    Minutes of the FPC meeting \#2 24 October 1997

  • Committee members present: B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, P. Gilkey, D. Blandy, J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss.
  • Committee members absent: H. Gernon, L.Harris.
  • The meeting was called to order at 0733.
  • The voting categories were discussed again
  • The following memo was approved and sent to Provost Moseley: During the deliberations on several cases in the 1996-97 academic year, the Faculty Personnel Committee was obliged to request, from various departments, further information and clarification of departmental criteria for promotion and/or tenure, and statements of the degree to which the candidate had met those criteria. Different fields have different accepted venues for the dissemination of research. In fact, the very nature of what constitutes research varies significantl y across the university. Expectations of teaching also vary within the university. This makes evaluation by a committee with university-wide representation difficult. FPC procedure requires that any FPC members from the candidates department excuse themselves from deliberations about that candidate. Without someone from the candidate's field to explain accepted norms, the remaining FPC members can not be expected to figure out what does or does not meet the criteria. It is therefore essential that each department's criteria be stated clearly and in detail, and that the departmental evaluation of the candidate's performance in view of those criteria be discussed clearly and specifically. We wish to be very clear about this. The FPC is not accusing departments of neglect. In virtually every case a statement of departmental criteria was included in the file. The problem is that though those statements of criteria may be perfectly clear to people within a given field, they often are not clear to those outside the field, as FPC members must be. To give but one example: in some fields publications of a paper delivered at a conference in the conference proceedings is one of the main ways of disseminating research results and is thus a respected accomplishment; whereas in other fields such a publication is not accorded the same high value. This is the kind of fine point that the FPC needs to understand to reach a conclusion in its evaluations. Explicit and detailed discussion of these issues resulting in a clearly articulated document at the departmental level would not only facilitate and expedite the FPC's deliberations, but it would also be in the best interests of the candidate, the department, and the university. The FPC therefore asks the Provost to communicate the FPC's concerns and make this request to the Deans, Department Heads and departmental tenure committees.
  • Personnel cases were discussed.

    Minutes of the FPC meeing #3 31 October 1997

  • Committee members present: D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • Other persons present: Vice Provost L. Davis, Provost J. Moseley
  • The Provost reported he had communicated the 15 April 1998 deadline to the Deans. He noted it might be necessary to ask for an exception in the case of an outside hire with immediate tenure that came in late in the year. The FPC indicated this was acceptable.
  • The Provost and the FPC discussed various matters at some length. The provosts then left.
  • The chair received the following from the President of the University Senate: "The Senate Executive Committee proposes to convene a task force, the Senate Task Force on Faculty Diversity, to investigate issues concerning faculty diversity, especially in hiring and retention. The need for this task force arises from a report from the University Task Force for Racial Diversity, dated December 1996, and from recent discussions within the campus community specifically regarding faculty diversity at the University of Oregon and other institutions within OSSHE. The proposed membership of the task force would be: 9 faculty members, including 4 senators and 5 faculty at-large 2 students, including 1 senator and 1 student at-large 1 chair of the FPC, or designee (ex officio, non-voting) 1 Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, or designee (ex officio, non-voting)". The FPC discussed the matter. The other members of the FPC felt the time constraints imposed by their duties on FPC precluded their participating in this committee.
  • The voting categories were discussed
  • The FPC adjourned at 9:04

    Minutes of the FPC meeting #4 7 November 1997

  • Committee members present: D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • Committee members absent L. Harris
  • The meeting was called to order at 0733.
  • Promotion and/or tenure case(s) were discussed.
  • The voting categories were discussed
  • The meeting adjourned at 0847

    Minutes of the FPC meeting #5 14 November 1997

  • Committee members present D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, T. Kealy, J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • Committee members absent
  • The meeting was called to order at 0734.
  • The explaination of the voting categories to be used by the 1997/8 FPC received final approval.
  • Personel Case(s) were discussed
  • The committee adjourned at 0857

    Minutes of the FPC meeting #6, 21 November 1997 FPC meeting

  • Committee members present: D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, J. Stockard, D. Trombley
  • Committee members absent: V. Cartwright, L. Harris, J. Weiss
  • The meeting was called to order at 0733.
  • The FPC agreed to meet 0900-1050 on Friday during winter 1998.
  • Personel case(s) were discussed

    Minutes the FPC meeting #7 9 January 1998

  • Committee members present: D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, T. Kealy, J. Stockard, J. Weiss
  • Committee members absent: L. Harris and D. Trombley
  • The meeting was called to order at 0902.
  • Introduction of the new student participant (Thomas Kealy).
  • The question of student voting was raised at an earlier meeting in the fall. The letter from President Frohnmayer in appointing the students invites them to ``participate as nonvoting members in the deliberations of the University's Faculty Personnel Committee''. The chair checked on this with President of the University Senate Ann Tedards. Her response was: ``the student members are non-voting. Tallying their votes separately is a way of keeping a record of their evaluations without including their votes in the final tally. I'd suggest, as chair, that you discuss with the committee how to record the opinions of the nonvoting members. You may want to continue doing it as before or come up with a new method.'' The chair also checked on this with Vice Provost Lorraine Davis. Her response was: ``The students make their specific recommendation known by using the voting scheme of the voting members of the committee. Their recommendations are recorded but are not counted in the final tally.'' So in keeping with tradition and in light of the advice received above, the chair proposes to continue to list ``Student recommendations'' at the bottom of the voting sheet and record them as in previous years.
  • Personnel Case(s) considered
  • Adjournment 0945

    Minutes of the FPC meeting #8 16 January 1998

  • Committee members present: D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, T. Kealy J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • Minutes: The meeting was called to order at 0900.
  • The committee considered personnel case(s).

    Minutes of the FPC meeting #9 30 January 1998

  • Committee members present D. Blandy,, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, T. Kealy J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • Committee members absent B. Branchaud
  • The meeting was called to order at 0904.
  • The FPC voted to direct the chair to transmit a technical memo to the Provost
  • Personnel case(s) were discussed
  • The meeting adjourned at 938

    Minutes of the FPC meeting #10 6 February 1998

  • Committee members present\endsubhead D. Blandy, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • Committee members absent B. Branchaud, T. Kealy, J. Stockard,
  • The meeting was called to order at 0902
  • There was a brief discussion of the role student evaluations play in the PT process. The committee considered the Senate Legislation of May 1996 on the matter.
  • The committee instructed the chair NOT to forward the signature sheets on cases to the Provost until the written reports were ready.
  • Personnel Case(s) were discussed

    Minutes for the FPC #11 meeting 20 February 1998

  • Committee members present: D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • Committee members absent: T. Kealy
  • The meeting was called to order at 0903.
  • The chair reminded the members of the committee to sign the signature sheets. If a committee member was not present for the discussion, the member should sign ``abstain" and write ``not present for the discussion".
  • The chair was directed by the committee to send the following memo to the Provosts: The FPC respectfully requests that in future years for cases which involve the granting of tenure at the rank of Associate Professor that all files shall contain, if applicable, both the title of the thesis and the name of the thesis advisor if the candidate has been awarded a doctoral degree. Furthermore, the file should contain a discussion, if appropriate, of the extent, if at all, to which articles and/or books on the same topic as that of the disssertation represent new scholarship. The FPC notes that in certain areas it is entirely appropriate to include material from the thesis in later articles and/or books. But it is useful to know the extent, if at all, to which this material has been reworked, revised, and extended from the material originally present in the thesis.''}
  • Personnel cases were discussed
  • Meeting adjourned at 10:43

    Minutes of the FPC meeting #12 27 February 1998

  • Committee members present: J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, T. Kealy J. Stockard, and D. Trombley.
  • Committee members absent: D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Weiss. \subhead Detailed Minutes\endsubhead
  • the meeting began at 0904.
  • Personnel question(s) were discussed.
  • University Senate President Ann Tedards has requested the chair of the FPC to have the FPC take a look at the faculty legislation relating to the FPC and to make sure it is up to date. If it needs to be redrafted, she has requested that the FPC draw up revised enabling legislation and submit it to the Senate for consideration as expeditiously as is possible. This is persuant to the current Senate initiatives to "clean up" the committee structure at the UO The chair was directed to draw up draft legislation in consultation with L. Harris.
  • The meeting adjourned at 1038.

    Minutes of the FPC #13 13 March 1998

  • Committee members present: D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, J. Fracchia, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, T. Kealy, J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • Committee members absent\endsubhead V. Cartwright, H. Gernon
  • The meeting was called to order at 0903
  • Provost J. Moseley and Vice Provost L. Davis met with the FPC to discuss various matters. The ``crunch'' which comes in the spring was also discussed. It was felt that the FPC was processing the cases it receives in a timely and efficient fashion. After the discussion, the Provosts left the meeting; the FPC was grateful for their time and input.
  • Personnel case(s) were discussed
  • The meeting adjourned at 10:07

    Minutes of the FPC meeing #14 3 April 1998

  • Committee members present B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon P. Gilkey, L. Harris, T. Kealy, J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • The meeting was called to order at 0903
  • The proposed revisions to the charge of the FPC were discussed. The wording was altered slightly from that proposed by the subcommittee consisting of Gilkey and Harris. It was then adopted. The chair was instructed to deliver give notice of motion at the next meeting of the University Senate on 8 April 1998 and to present the motion to the Senate on behalf of the committee at the meeting of the Senate 13 May 1998. The chair was also instructed to deliver copies of the motion to Secretary of the Faculty (Gwen Steigelman), President of the Senate (Ann Tedards), and chair of the Senate Rules Committee (Margie Paris). A copy of the motion is attached to these minutes.
  • The relative paucity of candidates for the 1998/9 FPC was discussed by the FPC with great concern; this matter was brought to the attention of the committee by P. Gilkey in his capacity as member of the University Senate; the Senate is charged with assisting the Secretary of the Faculty ``to ensure that the number of candidates nominated shall be be at least one more than the number of open positions in both the College of Arts and Sciences and in the Professional Schools and Colleges.'' Several members of the FPC agreed, in their capacity as voting members of the faculty of the University, and not in their capacity as members of the FPC, to encourage suitable faculty members to become candidates of the FPC.
  • Personnel case(s) were discussed
  • The meeting adjourned at 1043

    Minutes of the FPC meeting #15 10 April 1998

  • Committee members present: D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, T. Kealy, J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • The meeting was called to order at 0901
  • Personnel Cases were discussed
  • The meeting adjourned at 1042

    \head Minutes of the FPC meeting #16 17 April 1998

  • Committee members present\endsubhead D. Blandy, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, T. Kealy, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • Committee members absent B. Branchaud, H. Gernon, J. Stockard
  • The meeting was called to order at 0906
  • The official FPC tee shirts were distributed. A motion was made to instruct the chair to deliver a FPC tee shirt to Carol White to express our appreciation for her outstanding staff service to the FPC this year. The motion was adopted unanimously and with great enthusiasm. It was also observed by the chair that every FPC tee shirt was a ``perfect fit''.
  • The committee asked the chair to communicate the following resolution of the FPC to President of the University Senate Ann Tedards and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Lorraine Davis: The FPC has been asked by University Senate President Ann Tedards and by Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Lorraine Davis to look at the motion concerning Post Tenure Review which is to come before the University Senate during May 1998. At the 30 January 1998 meeting of the FPC, the FPC wrote to the Provost: ``The end of the year sometimes produces a `crunch' with a large number of cases coming at the end. This puts an unfair burden on the FPC. However, more significantly, it puts an unfair burden on the Provost. We do not want risk degrading the quality of the decision making process....''. The FPC has a heavy work load for the next several weeks. Consequently the FPC is unable to comply at the present time with the request to consider in detail the forthcoming Senate motion concerning Post Tenure Review. The FPC feels that the motion to come before the Senate in May 1998 concerning Post Tenure Review deals not only with process but also with significant personnel policy issues. The FPC feels that this proposal requires further study and debate before being placed to a vote. The FPC therefore respectfully submits the following motion for consideration by the University Senate: The Senate shall appoint a committee to study the motion proposed by the FAC concerning Post Tenure Review and to consult widely with the University community on all aspects of the matter, including the financial implications. The committee shall report back to the Senate during Fall 1998 and final action by the Senate on the matter shall be postponed until that time.
  • Personnel Cases were discussed
  • The meeting adjourned at 10:34

    Minutes of the FPC #17 24 April 1998

  • Committee members present\endsubhead D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, T. Kealy, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • Committee members absent J. Stockard
  • The meeting was called to order at 0905
  • Personnel Cases were discussed
  • The meeting adjourned at 1043

    Minutes of the FPC meeting #18 1 May 1998

  • Committee members present\endsubhead D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, T. Kealy, J. Stockard, D. Trombley
  • Committee members absent J. Weiss
  • personnel case(s) were discussed
  • The meeting adjourned at 1035

    Minutes of the FPC #19 15 May 1998

  • Committee members present: B. Branchaud, J. Fracchia, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • Committee members absent: D. Blandy, H. Gernon, T. Kealy, V. Cartwright
  • The meeting was called to order at 0903
  • The chair reported to the FPC that on Wednesday 13 May, the University Senate approved the new enabling legislation for the FPC. The chair noted that there had been considerable discussion in the Senate of the role that student(s) played on the FPC and that further clarification of this matter might be in order; the chair suggested that this might be a future agenda item for the FPC in academic 1998/9. The chair indicated the portion of the minutes of this meeting of the FPC dealing with this matter would be forwarded to the ASUO leadership. It was suggested that perhaps T. Kealy (1997/8) or K. McCartan (1996/7) could be contacted as they are students with experience of the FPC.
  • Personel case(s) were discussed.
  • The meeting adjourned at 10:16

    Minutes of the FPC #20 22 May 1998

  • Committee members present D. Blandy, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, P. Gilkey, T. Kealy, L. Harris, J. Stockard, D. Trombley, J. Weiss
  • Committee members absent\endsubhead B. Branchaud, H. Gernon,
  • The meeting was called to order at 0901. The chair provided a lemon cake for the committee. Pieces were provided for the Provost's office.
  • During the discussion of personnel case(s), the chair was notified that work was about to commence outside Johnson Hall that might produce significant amounts of noise. The chair was informed that the work was necessary to ``clean out the sewage in Johnson hall''; the chair gave permission for the work to commence. The noise was not disruptive and the project of cleaning out the sewage in Johnson Hall seemed reasonable and proper to the FPC and worth what proved to be a minor inconvenience to the committee.
  • The meeting concluded at approximately 0943

    Minutes of the FPC #21 29 May 1998

  • Committee members present\endsubhead D. Blandy, B. Branchaud, V. Cartwright, J. Fracchia, H. Gernon, P. Gilkey, L. Harris, T. Kealy, J. Stockard, J. Weiss
  • Committee members absent\endsubhead D. Trombley,
  • The meeting was called to order at 0903
  • The chair was presented with two lemmings and a card signed by the members of the FPC identifying the chair as the Chief Lemming 1997-8 FPC. Many members of the FPC wore their FPC teeshirts. The chair was very touched by their gift and expressed his real gratitude to them.
  • The committee voted to award Associate Vice Provost Jack Rice, Vice Provost Lorraine Davis, and Provost John Moseley 1997/8 FPC Lemming teeshirts. It was hoped the Provosts would enjoy wearing the teeshirts and that the teeshirts would express our gratitude to them for their efforts on behalf of our University.
  • The chair was directed to write to the Provost to express the gratitude the committee felt to Carol White, to Associate Vice Provost Jack Rice and Vice Provost Lorraine Davis for their assistance to the committee.
  • Personnel cases were discussed
  • The meeting adjourned at approximately 1030
    Senate Webmaster Peter Gilkey email:
    Last changed 18 July 1998