AgendaUO Senate 1999-2000

Wednesday 12 Jan 2000

  1. (1500) Call to order
  2. (1505) Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting and Approval of a Correction to the minutes of the November meeting
  3. (1510) State of the University
    1. (1510) Brief report by Senate President Gilkey
    2. (1515) White paper by the Senate Budget Committee (20 minutes) See Cover letter and executive summary (subsequently revised)
    3. (1535-1550) Discussion of report by Senate Budget Committee (15 minutes) - further discussion of the report can take place following the completion of new business if desired.
    4. (1550) Announcements and communications from the floor
  4. (1600) Old Business
    1. (1600) Confirmation of Jane Gordon (Associate Dean for Student and Program Affairs in the Law School) to fill a place made vacant by a resignation earlier in the fall on the Committee on Committees. ''An appointed body of the University Senate, the Committee on Committees fills vacancies in most University Governance committees.'' See the Committees Page .
  5. (1605) New Business
    1. (1605) Motion from the DSA concerning honorary degrees (The senate will meet in executive session)
    2. (1615) Motion US9900-4 proposing Changes to the internship Add/Drop deadlines. To be presented by Senator Jereme Grzybowski email: See the minutes of the Senate meetings 14 January 1998 and 14 April 1999 which concerned Drop/Add deadlines. See Financial Impact Statement. See report of the Senate Rules Committee. The 18 November 1999 minutes of the Undergraduate Council indicate they oppose this motionSenator Grzybowski has indicated he will make a brief statement and withdraw the motion from consideration
    3. (1630) Resolution US9900-7 regarding Distribution of salary increases To be proposed by Senator Greg McLauchlan (Sociology). Cosponsored by Suzanne Clark, (English) and Randall McGowen (History). See Report of the Senate Rules Committee
  6. (1700) Continuation of the discussion of the report of the Senate Budget Committee if needed.
  7. (1730) Adjourn

For further information, see the University Senate web page All members of the University Assembly are welcome at senate meetings and have the right to the floor on any matter under discussion. 
Senate President Peter B. Gilkey email:

Senate Secretary Gwen Steigelman email:
Senate Vice President James Earl, English, Vice President, email:
Posted 11 January 2000 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises