Minutes of the UO Senate 1999-2000
Minutes of the UO Senate 24 May 2000

Minutes of the UO Senate 24 May 2000

Present: L. Alpert, B. Altmann, E. Campbell, S. Cohen, D. Conley, J. Earl, C. Ellis, M. Holland, L. Kintz, C. Lachman, K. Lenn, R. McGowen, P. Mills, R. Moore, C. Phillips, J. Raiskin, M. Reed, N. Savage, J. Schombert, S. Stolp, D. Strom, N. Tublitz , M. Vitulli, M. Weiner, T. Wheeler, Excused: M. Bayless, D. Dugaw, S. Jones, R. Kellett, M. Nippold, F. Tepfer

Absent: R. Darst, J. Dawson , M. Epstein, C. Gary, D. Hawkins, J. Hosagrahar, S. Kohl, G. McLauchlan, D. Merskin, L. Robare, P. Wright

Call to Order

The spring organizational meeting of the University Senate was called to order in 110 Law at 3:09 p.m. by Senate President Peter Gilkey. Newly elected senators joined second year senators for an abbreviated agenda. One item remained from the May 10th regular senate meeting which was to confirm additional members of the Committee on Committees. Cathleen Leu, officer of administration, and Richard Mowday, Lundquist College of Business, were added to the committee.

Remarks from outgoing Senate President Peter Gilkey. President Gilkey began his remarks by welcoming the new senators of the 2000/2001 University Senate. He stated that it has been a high honor and privilege to serve as Senate President and to facilitate the work of the senate this year. He thanked and acknowledged various members of internal and external senate committees and positions. He indicated that he was fortunate to be senate president when so much was accomplished by others. Some examples were the exhaustive work of the Senate Budget Committee, the statement affirming "community values," and the awarding of Distinguished Service Awards to notable recipients. He also stated that the Senate Executive Committee will function as the senate oversight committee for the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) resolution passed during the May 10th meeting and described in senate legislation US9900-10B. Turning to lighter topics, President Gilkey acknowledged the secretary for her work and the diligent service of Vice Provost Lorraine Davis has without question attended more senate meetings than anyone in the room, with the possible exception of Senate Parlimentarian Paul Simonds. (Full text of President Gilkey's remarks can be found on the senate web page.)

Confirmation of incoming senate President James Earl. President Gilkey recognized incoming president James Earl as exemplifying the best in scholarship and teaching that our university has to offer and he called upon the members of the senate to confirm him as the next senate president. President Earl was confirmed unanimously.

Nomination and election of the senate vice president. Newly invested Senate President Earl noted that he had received no nominations for vice president and asked if there were any nominations forthcoming. Hearing none, he postponed the vice president election until the October 11th senate meeting and noted that he would contact senators who were eligible for election to the position and invited other senators to do so as well.

Remarks from Senate President James Earl. President Earl began his remarks by noting that next year the Senate Executive Committee will serve as the senate's oversight committee concerned with our membership in the WRC. To assist with that task, he was creating a subcommittee to review the WRC issue during the coming year. This new committee consists of two former senate presidents, Ann Tedards and Jeff Hurwit, and this year's chair of the Faculty Advisory Council, David Frank. President Earl will also serve ex-officio. The committee is charged "to bring clarity to the many issues surrounding the University's membership in the WRC," and will listen to the many voices in this complex public debate, including students, faculty, administration, trustees, alumni, licensees, donors, and others. The committee will provide regular interim reports to the Senate Executive Committee to be debated in the senate with recommendations forwarded to President Frohnmayer.

President Earl continued with the following statement about the committee's charge: The University's decision to join the WRC and Phil Knight's public response created a very heated debate. Many people are obviously very angry. But different people are angry about different things. Some are angry about radical student activism, some about the University's system of governance; some about politics in a state agency, some about our bad business practices; some focus on a missing phone call, others on the faults of the still-unformed WRC; for some it's an issue of courtesy and loyalty, for others it's all about labor unions; some are angry about our relations with donors and alumni, others about the corporatization of the University; for some it's an issue of global economics and human rights, and for others it's really all about collegiate sports--and there are many other issues too. These issues are so entangled that it has been difficult even to frame a logical debate; and that is why I have asked the committee first of all "to bring clarity to the issues." The nature and the role of the University in regard to these many conflicting claims needs to be thought through and stated clearly for each of its constituencies. Thinking through problems intelligently, and sharing the results, is what a university does best: that is what education is. I hope all those with an interest in this debate about the University's mission will help us think about these issues in the coming months. (Full text of President Earl's remarks are available on the senate web page.)

ADJOURNMENT The organizational meeting was adjourned at 3:44 p.m. followed by a reception for the new senators.

Gwen Steigelman Secretary

Note: Minutes posted here are as transmitted to the UO Senators. They may have been corrected at subsequent meetings of the senate; this would be reflected in the minutes of those subsequent meeting(s). For further information, see the University Senate web page http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~uosenate/senate.html All members of the University Assembly are welcome at senate meetings and have the right to the floor on any matter under discussion.
Senate President Peter B. Gilkey email: gilkey@darkwing.uoregon.edu
Senate Secretary Gwen Steigelman email: gwens@oregon.uoregon.edu
Senate Vice President James Earl, English, Vice President, email: jwearl@oregon.uoregon.edu
Web page spun on 13 October 2000 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 Email:peter.gilkey.cc.67@aya.yale.edu of Deady Spider Enterprises