MEMO TO: Jean Stockard, Lorraine Davis, Virginia Lo, and Alexander Murphy
MEMO FROM: Peter B Gilkey (UO Senate President)\par
MEMO RE: Senate Ad Hoc Committee\par
DATE: 16 December 1999\bigbreak

It is my great pleasure to appoint you to serve on a special Senate Ad Hoc Committee to consider proposed changes to Policy Statement 3.130 (Personnel Practices - Extension of Tenure Probationary Period because of Pregnancy/Childbirth) - either I or Lorraine have contacted you previously and you agreed to serve. I will chair the committee in my capacity as Senate President and will ask the Office of Academic Affairs to facilitate the scheduling of a meeting of this committee. I would hope at least 2 members of the committee could report on the matter at the 9 February meeting of the UO Senate (1500-1700 in 177 Lawrence). Further information is on the web:

Hard copy follows by campus mail.

The UO has a long tradition of shared governance. Procedural matters regarding promotion and tenure properly call for collaborative efforts between faculty and the administration. I am grateful that you have agreed to serve on this special committee. 

Web page spun on 16 December 1999 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises