############################################################################# ## ## PackageInfo file for the FORMAT package. ## Bettina Eick and Charles R.B. Wright ## SetPackageInfo( rec( PackageName := "FORMAT", Subtitle := "Computing with formations of finite solvable groups.", Version := "1.3", Date := "02/26/2012", ArchiveURL := "http://www.uoregon.edu/~wright/RESEARCH/format/format-1.3", ArchiveFormats := ".tar.gz .tar.bz2", Persons := [ rec( LastName := "Eick", FirstNames := "Bettina", IsAuthor := true, IsMaintainer := true, Email := "b.eick@tu-bs.de", WWWHome := "http://www.icm.tu-bs.de/~beick", PostalAddress := Concatenation( [ "Bettina Eick\n", "Institut Computational Mathematics\n", "Technische Universit\"at Braunschweig\n", "Pockelsstr. 14, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany" ] ), Place := "Braunschweig", Institution := "T U Braunschweig" ), rec( LastName := "Wright", FirstNames := "Charles R.B.", IsAuthor := true, IsMaintainer := true, Email := "wright@math.uoregon.edu", WWWHome := "http://www.uoregon.edu/~wright", Place := "Eugene", Institution := "University of Oregon" ) ], Status := "accepted", CommunicatedBy := "Joachim NeubŸser (Aachen)", AcceptDate := "12/2000", README_URL := "http://www.uoregon.edu/~wright/RESEARCH/format/README", PackageInfoURL := "http://www.uoregon.edu/~wright/RESEARCH/format/PackageInfo.g", AbstractHTML := "This package provides functions for computing with \ formations of finite solvable groups.", PackageWWWHome := "http://www.uoregon.edu/~wright/RESEARCH/format/", PackageDoc := rec( BookName := "FORMAT", Archive := Concatenation(~.PackageWWWHome, "format-", ~.Version, "tar.gz" ), ArchiveURLSubset := ["doc", "htm"], HTMLStart := "htm/chapters.htm", PDFFile := "doc/manual.pdf", SixFile := "doc/manual.six", LongTitle := "Formations of Finite Soluble Groups", Autoload := true ), Dependencies := rec( GAP := ">=4.5", NeededOtherPackages := [], SuggestedOtherPackages := [], ExternalConditions := [] ), AvailabilityTest := ReturnTrue, Keywords := ["formations", "soluble", "group"] ));