
Rolatape® measuring wheel

Energy Audits

An energy audit is the process of collecting information about a building, including:

  • building size
  • hours of operation
  • number of occupants
  • number of personal computers
  • types of light bulbs

During winter term, we audited buildings in Eugene such as general offices, medical offices, hotels, grocery stores, and warehouses. We then used a program called Portfolio Manager to generate a Statement of Energy Performance (SEP).

What is Portfolio Manager?

Portfolio Manager is an online energy management program created by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It compares the energy use and size of a building--with adjustments for climate, hours of operation, number of personal computers, and other information--to similar buildings across the U.S. and returns a score between 1 and 100. If the score is 75 or more, the building is eligible for the ENERGY STAR label, a voluntary labeling program designed to identify and promote energy-efficient products and buildings.

What is an SEP?

An SEP is a one-page report that shows the address and size of a building, its total energy use, and its performance rating. If a business would like to increase its performance rating, EWEB's Energy Management services will help with a more detailed analysis of energy use.

  Our mission is to help schools and businesses recognize where they stand in relation to others with energy usage and efficiency. We hope to encourage urban sustainability by giving schools and businesses in the community the power to make a difference in their energy consumption.