Ad Hoc University Senate Committee to Address HB 2823

Membership:Peter B. Gilkey (Committee Chair), Heather Briston (University Archivist),  Kenneth Calhoon (Chair, Academic Requirements Committee),  Herbert R. Chereck (University Registrar), Dave Hubin (Chair, Distinguished Service Awards Committee),  Charles Martinez (Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity),  Ronald N Severson (Chair, Undergraduate Council), Kyra C Hayashi (Student Member); ex officio Andrew Marcus (Senate President), Linda Brady (Provost).
  1. Committe Charge
  2. House Bill 2823
  3. UO Senate legislation US06/07-15 which deals with some of the issues raised in HB2823.
  4. OUS IMD 2.021 concerning honorary degrees

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