Some Letters received by the Senate Executive Committee regarding PTR

  1. Letter from J. Bonine 17 April 1999
  2. Letter from S. Clark 14 April 1999
  3. Letter from M. Dolezal 23 April 1999
  4. Letter from D. Frohnmayer 16 April 1999
  5. Letter from P Gilkey to Conference Committee 15 April 1999
  6. Letter from P Gilkey 16 April 1999
  7. Letter from John Morris of OSU The letter references several documents from the OSU debate on PTR. The reader is specifically urged to read
  8. Letter from NC Phillips 16 April 1999
  9. Letter from M. Russo 15 April 1999
  10. Letter from N. Savage 16 April 1999
  11. Letter from J. Stone 15 April 1999
  12. Letter from J. Upshaw 15 April 1999
  13. Letter from M. Vitulli 17 April 1999
  14. Letter from CB Wright 16 April 1999
Some related relevant web pages are: Please contact Peter Gilkey (Vice President of the UO Senate for 1998/1999) if you wish to convey information concerning Post Tenure Review to the Executive Committee prior to the meeting of the UO Senate May 12 1999. Email: or hard copy: Peter B Gilkey, Mathematics Department, University of Oregon, Eugene Or 97403. Letters received, unless the senders indicate otherwise, may be posted on the web to make the information they contain as widely available as possible. Last altered 08:59 Saturday 17 April 1999.