WEAI/AERE 2009[16] - Session 1B: Tuesday, June 30, 8:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Natural Resource Institutions
Session Chair*: Duncan Knowler, Simon Fraser University
  1. Grazing Fees versus Stewardship on Federal Lands
    Myles Watts; Jay Shimshack; Jeffrey LAFRANCE, Washington State University (jtlafrance at wsu dot edu)
    Abstract; Paper; Slides; Comments; Discussant: Glenn Sheriff, UC Riverside
  2. Optimal Invasive Species Policies Under Asymmetric Information
    Linda Fernandez, UC Riverside (linda.fernandez at ucr dot edu); Glenn SHERIFF, Columbia University (gs2096 at columbia dot edu)
    Abstract; Paper; Slides; Comments; Discussant: Duncan Knowler, Simon Fraser University
  3. A Monopolistic Competition Economic Model of the Horticultural Industry with a Risk of Harmful Plant Invasion [replacement paper]
    Edward Barbier, University of Wyoming; Johnson Gwatipedza; Duncan KNOWLER, Simon Fraser University (djk at sfu dot ca); Sarah Reichard
    Abstract; Paper; Slides; Comments; Discussant: Nori Tarui, University of Hawaii, Manoa
  4. Governing the Resource: Scarcity-Induced Institutional Change
    Nori TARUI, University of Hawaii, Manoa (nori at hawaii dot edu); James Roumasset
    Abstract; Paper; Slides; Discussant: Jeffrey LaFrance, Washington State University

Note All materials are the intellectual property of the authors. This work should be considered as preliminary. Please do not cite or quote without the author's permission.

Updated: July 3, 2009. Please report errors or omissions to Trudy Cameron

* Each session lasts a total of 1 hour and 45 minutes. In a four-paper session, each presenter/discussant pair can occupy only about 25 total minutes. Presenters must therefore be limited to roughly 20 minutes and discussants to roughly 5 minutes. Chair's responsibilities include provision of a laptop computer for the session, and ensuring that all presentations and all sets of discussion comments (if relevant) are preloaded onto the computer and queued-up for presentation prior to the start time of the session. (Detailed suggestions are available for less experienced chairpersons.)