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These are the local businesses we profiled this term:

Rexius "Sustainable Solutions"

Rexius has been in operation for over seventy years and is involved in recycling and processing organic waste and wood residual materials. These materials that are recycled are in turn used for the landscaping, agricultural and environmental industries to improve our soils and beautify landscapes. Historically this has been their most visible contribution, but the main goal of Rexius is to become a more sustainable company that positively impacts the landscapes that we create and maintain, the community in which we live, and the environment that we share. It is these three impacts stated above that serve as the companies’ roots for promoting their sustainable solutions for the environment that we inhabit.

Rexius is currently conserving energy through three main elements. The first energy conservation element was through a partnership with the local energy company EWEB to conduct a lighting assessment of the main office. After this assessment Rexius changed the types of lightbulbs used to illuminate their offices from the non-efficient incandescents to better enregy saving compact fluorescents.The second energy conservation element is the transition into using biofuels in their service fleet. Rexius uses both biodiesel and ethanol blends in all of their vehicles. The third energy conservation element is the purchasing of renewable wind energy from EWEB. To visit their website, click icon


Market of Choice

Market of Choice has established itself as a full service deli, grocery, and catering service specializing in natural and health conscious products with seven locations serving a select Oregon market.  In recent years they have made progress in attaining a higher level of efficiency through energy management practices.  Currently, they use solar photovoltaic production of electricity for a portion of their needs, employ a heat reclamation system as an assist to their water heater, use energy efficient appliances, timers and motion sensors on lights to prevent unnecessary waste, and compost the produce that is not sold at its peak of freshness.  To visit their website, click icon

Click here to access the Energy Conservation Assessment for Market of Choice

SeQuential Biofuels

SeQuential Biofuels is a biofuels marketer, distributor, and producer from Eugene, Oregon.  In 2006 they opened their first biofueling station; this station is also the first public biofuels station to open in Eugene.  The station has a variety of environmentally responsible features including on-site solar production, a passive solar building design, a living roof, a thermal wall, and a bioswale system.  Additionally, the station houses a local, organic food and beverage store and a Sweet Life Patisserie outlet. SeQuential is a leader in the community in energy conservation and responsible environmental practices. To visit their website, click icon

Click here to access the Energy Conservation Assessment for SeQuential Biofuels

Good Company

Good Company is a research and consulting firm based out of Eugene, Oregon.  Their aim is to help clients measure, manage and market their environmental performance.  Many of the environmentally sound practices they recommend to clients have also been incorporated into their business model.  These include utilizing energy efficient appliances, using building design for passive energy savings, participating in carbon offset programs and supporting alternative transportation for employees. To visit their website, click icon

Click here to access the Energy Conservation Assessment for Good Company