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To view a sampling of our weekly curriculum, click here

To view a larger version, click on the images below. Also, scroll to the bottom of the page to see a video of the kids generating bicycle-powered electricity.

Ms. Susie Bays' Fifth Grade Class
Enthusiastic participation
Ms. Bays' class intently engaged in the lesson

SuperBus!: "It uses less gas and doesn't pollute as much"

Energy Conservation Superheroes
Recyclo Tomato: "He squirts tomato sauce at people who don't recycle"
The Final Tally: [from left] Co, Comet, and Rusty count the final votes in Ms. Sofie Prideaux's class
Comet presents Good Company under the watchful eye of the KVAL camera
Comet and Rusty wrap up the week
Pollution Monster: Ozone
Pollution Monster: Acid Rain
Pollution Monster: Particulates
Rusty helping students in Ms. Bay's class
Angie with student drawing an energy conservation superhero
Aaron with students presenting their pollution monsters